This version is the official draft of the agreement discussed with Telecom ParisTech

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This agreement formalizes the partnership between PostgreSQLFr and PostgreSQL Europe, Associations Act 1901, on the one hand and Telecom Paristech, secondly in the context of the PGDay Europe 2009 to be held on 6 and 7 November 2009. The objective of this event is promote free database management software PostgreSQL with as wide an audience as possible. The entry of this event is charged, but no profit is done : the amount of the entry is intended to cover meals and event's organization issues.

Involved entities adresses


PostgreSQL Europe

Telecom Paristech

Nature of partnership:

Telecom Paristech proposed Act 1901 associations PostgreSQLFr and PostgreSQL Europe to have a portion of its premises and equipment for organizing the event in 2009 European PGDay Europe on 6 and 7 November 2009. Telecom Paristech provides the elements defined in SECTION 1:


SECTION 1: Updates available




SECTION 2: Audience and public

PostgreSQL PostgreSQLFr and Europe estimated at up to 250 people the number of people expected at the event. The event requires pre-registration of delegates, allowing control of the protagonists through the issuance of an identification badge.

SECTION 3: Times and dates

The event will be held on 6 and 7 November 2009 between 8:30 am and 19:00. However, it will be necessary to have access to the premises in extended hours (7:00, 20:00) and possibly 5 November 2009 for the purpose of organization and logistics.

ARTICLE 4: Regulations for use

PostgreSQLFr and PostgreSQL Europe undertake to respect the rules use of rooms Telecom ParisTech, including, stands in the number of people expected.

Article 5: Rates and conditions reciprocal

Telecom Paristech proposes the provision of premises, equipment and infrastructure gratis. In exchange PostgreSQLFr and PostgreSQL Europe Telecom Paristech offer a GOLD sponsorship plus a free TELECOM ParisTech's teachers and students which would register and upon request.

Article 6: Liability

PostgreSQLFr and PostgreSQL Europe will provide a copy of liability insurance for this event to Paristech Telecom.

SECTION 7: External Stakeholders

Telecom Paristech define a specification which will meet the caterer in charge of organizing coffee breaks and lunches. These specifications will describe the constraints inherent in premises and rules of Telecom ParisTech. PostgreSQLFr associations and PostgreSQL Europe will come into contact with caterers who will respond. They provide Telecom Paristech the name and address of the caterer and the selected how things should proceed.

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