PostgreSQL La base de donnees la plus sophistiquee au monde.

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Statutes / Bylaws

Article 1 - Title of the association

An association, governed by the French law of July 1, 1901 and the French decree of August 16, 1901, is instituted between the undersigned and any individuals or legal entities adhering to the present statutes. The association takes the following denomination: “Association des Utilisateurs Francophones de PostgreSQL.” ( TN : “Association of the French Speaking PostgreSQL Users” ). It can also be named “PostgreSQLFr”.

Article 2 - Goals and Objectives of the association

Article 2.a. - Objectives

The association has as its objectives the direct or indirect promotion, the database management system ( later named as “DBMS” ) PostgreSQL. the association want to become the main interlocutor of private or professionnal users by offering a french speaking représentation of PostgreSQL.

This action will be lead by incitating and promoting :

  • the use of PostgreSQL DBMS, its derivatives and its related projects ;
  • the development of plug-ins, products and services, commercial or free (TN : as in free speech) working with PostgreSQL ;
  • the establishment of this free DBMS and other free sowftware as a learning tools and the creation of training courses ;
  • the evaluation and the labelisation of hardware, software plug'ins, applications and versions of the system ;
  • The localisation ( french translation ) of the software and documentation.
  • The use of open standards, i.e. public and stable, which specifications are freely available.

“Free Software” are considered as software whose source code is available, that can be freely distributed and modified, under the terms of a license close to “GPL”, “Berkeley” or “Artistique” and their derivatives.

Proprietary software (even including open specifications) and free software including restrictions for commercial purpose, are also part of the scope of the association, as long as they work with PostgreSQL and their specifications are public and don't create conflicts with the existing standards.

The association is also concerned about other free ressources, such as free documents. These ressources are in particular, but not exclusively, teh specifications of the softwares, the implementation documents, the user manuals and the training ressources. A text document, artitic or not, is considered as “free” if anyone is free to use , distribute it in a format defined by a publically documented and free standard.

Generally, the association promotes and diffuse a “software culture” based on fondamental concepts such as accessibility of the specifications and source codes, standardization of interfaces and data representations, quality of implementation ( portability, compatibility, stability, openess, … ), cooperative development and mutual help.

The association tries to realize these objectives in the french speaking community.

The official language of the association is french.

The association works with others organizations, french speaking or not, having similar or complementary goals.

Members of the association must accept these objectives.

Article 2.b. - Achievement of the objectives

To realize its objectives the association is able to :

  • Produce, regroup and organize information on PostgreSQL and related subjects ;
  • Translate software, documentations, technical articles, testimony and any official information coming from the PostgreSQL community.
  • Analyze the technical, economical, legal, and social implications of the developpement and deployment of PostgreSQL;
  • Study the technical, economical, legal, and social mecanisms that might

foster and counter the developpement and deployment of PostgreSQL;

  • Disseminate to the greatest extent possible this information especially with the public outside the association, other organizations and associations, the media, businesses and public authorities;
  • Establish links between the different volunteers or commercial groups, concerned by PostgreSQL: creators, developers, maintainers, distributors, users, associations, SSII, SSLL, etc..
  • Hosting a reticular site, lists, a network of mutual help;
  • Organize or participate to conferences, seminars and other events , whether occasional or regular;
  • Organize and coordinate working groups on subjects of interest to the association, called Particular Interest Groups.
  • Promote, organize or participate in any partnership that could benefit the development of PostgreSQL and related projects;
  • Generally help promote or ensure the study, development, advertising, promotion, protection and promotion of PostgreSQL and related projects;
  • Make actions of various kinds (consulting, service, training, …), some actions may be subject to billing;
  • Engage all actions it deems appropriate to achieve its objectives.

As a general rule, the association will promote and help the work of other associations, businesses, government and individuals working in the field of PostgreSQL and related projects or activities that it considers to be useful for their development.

statutes.1194093361.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2007/11/03 13:36 de daamien