PGDAY.EU 2009 / 20090506 Meeting
- Location : IRC (#pgday on freenode)
- Date : 2009-05-06 (9pm - 11pm)
People attending the meeting
on IRC
- Guillaume Lelarge (gleu)
- Damien Clochard (daamien)
- Magnus Hagander (magnush)
- Dave Page (pgSnake)
- Andreas Scherbaum (ads)
- Guillaume Smet (gsmet)
- Jean-Paul Argudo (jpa)
- Cédric Villemain (klando)
People missing
Agenda of the meeting
- Review of the results of previous meeting's todo list
- Contract with ParisTech Telecom
- Announcement (magnus)
- Template letter for sponsors
Minutes of the meeting
The agreement is safe enough that we can announce for now. We don't need a decision on the price to attend before we announce.
So, we announce it, we open the website, and registration and translations can come later.
Magnus Hagander will write it and send it. He'll also make point to right away so DNS can get it done.
Template letter for sponsors
Damien Clochard and Jean-Paul Argudo are in charge of the french one. Damien will send a translated version to Dave Page, so he can have something to begin with and he'll make it more international.
Contract for sponsors
Guillaume Smet asked for a contract because Open Wide could be interested in signing the contract ASAP. Jean-Paul has an english one, from Prato's pgDay. It needs to be translated in french.
We have four offers right there : Damien's friends have the best offer so far. Problem is: can they manage so many people? Jean-Paul Argudo will see them next week and will ask them some more questions. Three other caterers have not yet replied. We'll wait their answers.
Magnus asked about offers for lunch boxes. Dave is against this, because he has never been impressed by the lunch boxes. Others agree on this. So, Guillaume will try to have a prize for lunch box, just to know their cost.
Jean-Paul discussed with Gavin about wine. Gavin has a very good opportunity for 9 euros Morgon which is an excellent wine. We are not sure this is allowed by the school, and we are not sure this is a good idea. So this question is postponed. Anyways, there are a lot of more important things to discuss yet.
Work has begun on hotels. We need more information on costs.
We need a wiki page on the budget. Guillaume will work on the wiki to make it more understandable. We'll keep the outdated french pages and not update them. All the work not to be done on the english counterpart.
Work to do ASAP
* Magnus Hagander
write and send the announcement (-announce, the website, and PGWN)
* Damien Clochard
- write the french template letter (with Jean-Paul)
- translate the french template letter and send the translated one to Dave Page
* Jean-Paul Argudo
- write the french template letter (with Damien)
should ask Sidonie about their capacity to handle 300 people- have to call hostesses'schools in Paris
- ask a friend of his about insurance
* Dave Page
- reword the translated template letter
* Guillaume Lelarge
get a new offer for lunch boxes