PGDAY.EU 2009 / 20090729 Meeting
- Location : IRC (#pgday on freenode)
- Date : 2009-07-29 (9pm - 10:30pm)
People attending the meeting
on IRC
- Guillaume Lelarge (gleu)
- Marc Cousin (marco44)
- Guillaume Smet (gsmet)
- Dave Page (pgSnake)
- Andreas Scherbaum (ads, joined late)
People missing
- Jean-Paul Argudo (jpa)
- Damien Clochard (daamien)
- Magnus Hagander (magnush)
Agenda of the meeting
- Paristech Telecom : contract and insurance (gleu)
- French ads
- French template letter
- Sponsorship campaign
- French ones (gsmet)
- English ones (mha)
- Entry fees: time for a decision!
- Registration dates/opening
- Track roadmap.
Minutes of the meeting
Paristech Telecom : contract and insurance
Jean-Christophe sent an email to Guillaume Lelarge to tell him that the contrat is signed. We don't have it yet, but it shouldn't be long. The contract is directly sent to Jean-Paul. He's on holiday but that shouldn't be an issue.
French ads
Guillaume Lelarge sent the two ads to the magazines. One of them already answered he's happy with it and that he'll publish it on its website. It will also be on the october issue. Guillaume has no news of the second one, probably on holidays.
French template letter
The french template letter was Jean-Paul Argudo's and Damien Clochard's work, but we are not sure what they did on this. We'll have to ask them later.
Sponsorship campaign
Guillaume Smet made no progress on the sponsorship campaign. The summer holiday season is not good for this kind of thing. Anyways, he tried to call Ingres yesterday evening, but still no answer. Marc Cousin sent an email to his boss, but, once again, no answer so far.
Magnus got one bronze sponsor. It's already on the website.
Entry fees: time for a decision!
There's only one known decision: students and staff at Telecom Paristech do have free entries. But they have to register first.
According to Dave Page and Magnus Hagander, we should have enough sponsorship to cover the cost of the conference, but there is a suggestion that we should use the opportunity to give a boost to the pgeu bank accounts. Another thing to coonsider is that there is sometimes a perception in companies that a free/cheap conference is not worth going to.
But we don't need to have a very high entry fee to give a boost to the pgeu bank account. With this in mind, Damien Clochard's proposition seems good:
- students and teachers : free !
- regular (1 day) : 30 €
- regular (2 days) : 50€
Dave Page would prefer a higher rate, something like 30/50 or maybe 50/75.
Let's remember that the cost for the caterer is 12500 euros. With 200 persons per day, it means each meal costs 32 euros.
We know that students and staff of Telecom Paristech don't pay the entry fees. Question is: do they have free lunch too? Dave Page thinks a 5 euros lunch is no a lot of money and offers students a way to be part of it. We'll probably have more than enough money to cover the costs even if a number of students eat without paying.
Another problem is how can we be sure that only people who paid eat. Dave Page propose a mark on the name badges. For example, a little knife & fork logo in the bottom corner of the badge.
So here are our decisions:
- students and staff of Telecom Paristech
- entry fee free
- lunch at 5 euros
- others
- 40 euros a days
- 60 euros two days
If anyone objects to this decision, he can add it on the next meeting agenda.
Registration dates/opening
Dave Page doesn't think there's a huge rush for it. Most people won't reigster until we announce the schedule anyway. We need to finish the registration system - but that shouldn't take Magnus long.
So, let's say that the August, the 31st is the target day.
Track roadmap
Dave Page have had a few propositions for talks - not a huge number though. Magnus Hagander is going to put out a reminder.
Our target is probably 6 or 7 sessions per day, and per track (one english, one french). Remember there will be opening and ending keynotes, and they won't be any talk in the same time.
Dave Page thinks we can include stuff like key signing. He'll volunteer to host the lightning talks again. He'll also draft a timetable.
Tshirts and goodies
We think it could be interesting to have polos instead of tshirts, but we still didn't talk about the design. Polos should be available only to staff, and there will be tshirts for visitors.
We can do something fun as long as it's witty, and makes sense to people for whom English is a second language. Guillaume Smet prefers no funny sentence than a not so funny one.
Discussion went over colors of the polos and tshirts: black, purple, pink, grey, navy blue, sky blue, brown. Preferably something dark, to hide the coffee stains :) And Dave Page definitely doesn't want light blue.
So, seriously, we need a color, logo and text. Everyone will have a think about colour, text and logo for the shirts over the next week or two.