PGDAY.EU 2009 / 20091007 Meeting
- Location : IRC (#pgday on freenode)
- Date : 2009-10-07 (9pm - 10:30pm)
People attending the meeting
on IRC
- Guillaume Lelarge (gleu)
- Marc Cousin (marco44)
- Andreas Scherbaum (ads)
- Damien Clochard (daamien)
People missing
- Dave Page (pgSnake)
Agenda of the meeting
- Power at Paristech Telecom
- Sponsorship campaign
- Tracks schedule & lightning talks
- Conference bags and Tshirts
- EDB's party
Minutes of the meeting
Power at Paristech Telecom
We'll need to get our own power cables. Guillaume Lelarge will make a proposal to see how much it's going to cost.
Sponsorship campaign
Continuent has paid. Sirius, not yet. And we have those Cobol-IT people in “pending”.
Tracks schedule & lightning talks
Schedule is published. There are a few things to do, as daamien already said in an email. Guillaume Lelarge will work on this ASAP.
Almost all english speakers have confirmed, but french speakers didn't. Guillaume Lelarge will send them email to ask them to confirm and to register (remember that they don't have to pay).
One french speaker canceled his talk. The french commitee has to decide either to choose Guillaume Lelarge's talk or to propose another talk. Three votes out of 5 already chose Guillaume. We'll add Guillaume on the schedule. We can change this if needed.
As of right now, we have 62 people registered for the conference. 42 have either paid or are speakers. Others just registered and we haven't received payment *yet*.
Conference bags and Tshirts
Design is ready. It includes the new pgday logo and appropriate sponsors' logos. Damien Clochard needs to do some phone calls next week to have some prices.
Damien Clochard asked for a price for 300 booklets (4-color / 15 pages each) at Dalibo's regular printer. He should have it tomorrow.
If we want speakers' pictures, we need to ask for them fairly soon. We need to give people a bit of time to send them in. They won't be mandatory, but we can still say we would appreciate if they send us one. Also, we do need to contact the speaker and ask them to rewrite their bios. Damien Clochard will take care of this. He'll post a sample of the mail for proof-reading.
EDB's party
Damien Clochard will phone the bar tender next week and try to have more information. He'll coordinate with Dave Page.
Magnus Hagander sets up a feedback site: Right now it contains only one test talk, but obviously the full conference will be available later.
He was thinking of sending an email to the speakers list asking speakers to include that URL on their final slide, to encourage participants.
We also talk about a translation of the feedback site. It's doable, but people seems to deal just great with the registration. And we have had plenty of people registered from france. So, it's probably not that useful.
GNU/Linux France Magazine's special edition
The current edition of the French Gnu/Linux Magazine is entirely dedicated to PostgreSQL: 80 pages of really good articles ( Damien Clochard thinks it could be great to buy a bunch of them at low price and put it into the conference bags.
Guillaume Lelarge will try to get a good price for 50 to 100 magazines.
Thurday gathering
Damien asks if we need to book some restaurant for the early bid. The issue is that we need to have an estimate number of people.
We won't do a public call for that until we have a clue as to how many people will register for the *conference* yet.
Work to do ASAP
- Damien Clochard
- send an email about social events and tshirts and logos
- provide all informations about the restaurant to Dave Page
- do some phone calls next week to have some prices for polos and bags
- ask speakers to rewrite their bios and send a picture
- phone the bar tender next week to get more information
- Jean-Paul Argudo
- check with Sidonie about wine
- Guillaume Lelarge
- make a proposal for power cables
- work on the schedule
- send an email to french speakers to ask them to confirm and to register
add his talk to the schedulecontact GLMF to get a price for 50 to 100 magazines
- Andreas Scherbaum
- Get in touch with Marko Kreen from Skype
- Magnus Hagander
- objectviz's sponsor contrat